Organic hair removal

BROWS AND UPPER LIP ………….. 35.00

BROWS AND CHIN ………….. 35.00

BROWS ………….. 23.00

CHIN ………….. 15.00

UPPER LIP ………….. 15.00

ARMS HALF/FULL ………….. 40.00 — 50.00

FULL FACE ………….. 60.00

UNDERARMS ………….. 30.00

HALF LEG ………….. 50.00

FULL LEG ………….. 85.00

BIKINI ………….. 38.00-58.00 This will remove the hair that falls outside a standard pair of underwear

FRENCH BIKINI….50.00 This will have a more defined appearance, leaving a small strip or triangle of hair.

BACK ………….. 75.00

BRAZILIAN……….65.00 AND UP (NEW) This isn’t for the faint hearted, this is everything front to back.

Please note: No hair removal can be performed if you are on any Retin-A derivatives or any medications that thin the skin or enhance sensitivity. 3-4 weeks is the recommended time frame between waxing services.

All prices subject to change.